“The function of supervision is to support the supervisee in finding their own style of being a therapist ”
I provide one-to-one supervision to counsellors and therapists working with adults and young people. I welcome all enquiries from qualified or trainee counsellors looking for clinical supervision.
My supervision practice and personal philosophy is grounded in Rogers’ person-centred approach using the Seven Eyed Supervision model of Hawkins & Shohet, a style which compliments a wide range of therapeutic approaches.
I am in regular supervision of supervision and I abide by the BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy and am subject to its complaints procedure.
Supervision sessions are charged at £65 per hour and are available as 90 or 60 minute sessions.
a growth promoting environment
I encourage you to share all aspects of your work, what is going well and less well. Mistakes can be such rich opportunities for learning if they can be explored within a positive and affirming environment.
I will not leave you alone with risk/safeguarding issues - You can contact me between sessions if there is an emergency or something that cannot wait until the next session.
space for reflection
I offer alternative ways of looking at the client presentation and related relationships as well as considering issues of equality, diversity and inclusion.
I welcome creative methods of expression and exploration as a way to encourage depth and new perspectives to the supervision process.